A downloadable game

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When I was a kid, I liked playing with LEGOs. But not because I liked building with them. It was specifically because I liked the treasure chests and treasure found in the pirate sets. So it's not really a surprise that this game is based around finding and keeping a chest full of fabulous wealth and riches! :) 

10/28/22: This game has not yet been playtested, but a couple of things I thought of after creating it: 

-First, the game board may not be the right size for checker pieces after all as I originally tried to scale it for, so you may have to use the red and black paper tokens I provided. :/

- Second, to avoid needing to cut apart a bunch of blank cards, you could save yourself some time and assign a number to the treasure chest (any number from 1-72). Then just use a random number generator for each player until someone discovers whatever number you assigned to the treasure chest. At that point, wherever they are on the map is where you would place the treasure chest card. That should be a lot easier to deal with; one card instead of 72!

Any feedback on this game would be greatly appreciated! Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at rs.gamewriter@gmail.com. 


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Treasure'd Teammates.pdf 2.2 MB

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